Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hint Fiction Continued

Do you remember my Hint Fiction post from last week? Well I decided to take one of them and make them into a super short story!


Sweat dripped down my brow as I concentrated even more. The ending is always the hardest.

The first 75 pages or so are always the easiest. Those are the glory days of writing a novel. You're so excited about the new characters and the new plot and the new conflicts. Then you get to the middle of the story. This is usually the hardest part because it's hard to not make it boring. You have to keep the reader intrigued until they get to the end. It's a challenge, for sure.

Then there's the ending. You have so many versions of a perfect ending that you don't know which one fits best. But then you find the perfect ending, and the last 50 pages are smooth sailing from there.

I finally get there, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Hope you enjoyed this short and sweet post:)

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